Personal development is a major part of our success…

Personal development is an important part of working at Excel Vending so we actively encourage all members of our team to continuously develop their skills; after all, if they are improving their knowledge and expertise Excel and our customers ultimately benefit.  We are equally happy to fund this ongoing development process and to help our people gain recognised qualifications.

The most recent example of our commitment to this policy is Lee Henderson who has recently achieved an excellent accounting qualification.   We are delighted to announce that Lee has recently been accepted as a full member of the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians).  The AAT is the professional accounting body that runs a professional diploma which has 3 levels to complete before becoming fully AAT Qualified. This is the preferred qualification for those like Lee who decided to take the apprenticeship route into accountancy rather than going to university.  

Lee had some prior experience and knowledge of accounting so he started at Level 3.  After completing this stage in June 2017, Lee went on to study AAT Level 4 and passed his final exam in March 19 enabling him apply for full membership of the AAT.  His successful application means he is now Lee Henderson, MAAT.  Congratulations to Lee for all of his hard work.

However, this was very much a team effort.  Yes, Excel Vending funded Lee’s studies and allowed him study time to required to gain the qualification, but our own accountant, Thomas Ward has mentored Lee throughout the process.  So, a big thank you to Thomas, and all the other staff who commit time to mentoring others, without their support we would not be able to develop our staff the way we do.

Lee plans to continue his studies so that he can use the exemptions of his AAT qualification to eventually achieve ACCA Chartered status and, as you would expect, the Excel Vending Team will continue to support his development.

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