Our very own Mike Watson hits the headlines…

Mike PictureYou may recall that we introduced Mike Watson, our new East Coast Business Development Manager to you recently, well we’re please he’s hitting the headlines again this week.

Mike was featured in the Weekend Telegraph in Dundee, when the newspaper highlighted his campaign to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research.

Six months ago Mike’s brother-in-law, Nick Gilmour, was diagnosed with a brain tumour which inspired Mike to take some action.  Mike wants to raise funds for the charity, but he also wants to create greater awareness about his brother-in-law’s condition and why the funds are needed. Speaking to the Weekend Telegraph Mike said, “After Nick was diagnosed with frontal lobe glioma I discovered that only one percent of funds for cancer research goes towards brain tumours.  But brain tumours kill more people under 40 than any other type of cancer”.

Mike has chosen an extremely energetic challenge which will take place next weekend as he competes in the Rat Race Coast to Coast, described in The Telegraph as, “the ultimate test of endurance”.  Over a two day period, Mike will walk, run, cycle and kayak from the North Sea coast to the Atlantic seaboard – over 105 miles in total!

Here at Excel Vending we are no strangers to charity giving, we are pleased to support many local and national charities as part of our social responsibility programme, however we are doubly pleased to support the efforts when it involves one of our Excel team members. We are delighted to sponsor Mike as he embarks on this true test of fitness and endurance for what is a very worthy cause.

Support Mike and Brain Tumour Research

You can support Mike’s efforts and Brain Tumour Research by making a donation on his JustGiving page here. Your donation will be greatly appreciated by Mike and the team at Excel Vending.

You can read the Evening Telegraph here, or by click on the image below.

Mike Newspaper Small

If you’d like to talk to Mike about his charity challenge, please give him a call on 0845 60 40 111 or drop him an email at mike@excel-vending.co.uk.

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