Pool playing Operator Steven Johnston is bound for the Emerald Isle

We are very proud of Steven Johnston, one of our operators at Excel Vending, who is bound for the 2015 Nations Cup in Ireland where he will represent Scotland at pool as part of the B2 team – one of three Scottish teams.

Pool is Steven’s passion and he’s played for Scotland previously in the open singles, but next month is a whole new ball game. He did say it’s “more nerve wracking” playing as part of a team as there’s others success on your shoulders too, but he’s still relishing the challenge.

We are delighted that he has made the Scottish B2 team for the European Blackball Association 2015 Nations Cup. This year the tournament will be hosted by Gleneagle Hotel in Killarney, Southern Ireland in early September.

Steven’s seen some of his friends play at this level in the past, and says “This is my chance, it’s better late than never.”

He has worked very hard to get himself to this position and enjoyed being in Edinburgh recently to meet with the team and get some practice in. He told us that, “The team spirit’s amazing and the three teams are really high quality.”

We are delighted to be able to support him by offering some sponsorship. During his stay we will pay for his accommodation as well as his tournament entry fees and Steven will be sporting the Excel Vending logo on his shirt while he’s playing.

We wish him all the very best of luck and look forward to hearing how he, and the team, get on. We’ll be sure to let you know how he does!


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