Much has been written since the 16th March 2016 about the new ’Sugar Tax. This is the tax to be imposed on certain drinks in 2018 that fall into one of two categories; the first band applies to drinks with a total sugar content of 5g per 100ml, and the second is for those drinks with more than 8g per 100ml. George Osborne’s announcement of the Impending tax inevitably heralded the introduction of many new healthier drinks that will escape the tax on sugary drinks. Among the first major drinks brand to respond is Coca Cola.
Coca Cola Zero Sugar is a new improved sugar free cola which they claim “looks and tastes even more like Coca-Cola Classic”. As the name suggests, it contains no sugar, so it will not be subject to the new ’Sugar Tax’. Contrast this with the original recipe which contains 10.6g of sugar, and you can already start to see the benefits.
Excel Vending will be sampling the new Coca-Cola Zero Sugar very soon, and we look forward to getting your opinion on the new recipe and whether it is worthy of the manufacturers claims.
But, it’s not all about the drinks…
Regular readers of our blog and news content will know that we are very active in bringing you healthier choices in our vending machines. We will continue to source healthier snacks and drinks for you in the future. However, we want to make sure we bring you the healthier options that you want – the ones you will happily buy from your vending machine. We have recently launched a programme of tasting sessions available throughout Scotland specifically to allow you to judge the products for yourself.
The tasting sessions are usually conducted on your premises around lunchtime so that you you can invite staff to come along and try some of the healthier options that can be added to the stock list in your machines. This way, you get to choose the healthier snacks and drinks that you would prefer to buy in the future. Our tasting session programme includes some advertising material that can be emailed to your staff, or promoted on your noticeboards. After all, we want as much feedback as possible to make sure we are offering you the right products.
Healthy choices have become very important to the food and drinks industry, and we predict many more products will be available in the future, our task is to source the best of these and let you try them for yourself. Working together, we can make the right healthier choices in the future.
If you would like to talk to us about organising a tasting session, please contact Jillian Thomas on 0845 6040111, or email her at, she will be happy to chat through the options with you.