Did you know this is Living Wage Week? We are very proud to have been accredited as a Living Wage company since February 2019. Back then, the National Living Wage was £7.83 per hour, and the Real Living Wage was £9.00 per hour. This week, the Real Living Wage rose to £9.90 per hour.
Many people are confused about the ‘National Living Wage’ and the ‘Real Living Wage’. Some of the confusion stems from the fact that the names are very similar; however, they are very different. Firstly, the National Living Wage is a mandatory minimum wage that employers have to pay staff; currently, it is set at £8.91 per hour for employees who are 23 and over. The Real Living Wage was independently calculated, and this week the amount of £9.90 per hour has been determined as the new minimum amount that people need to get by.
Our employees’ value is real, so we are happy to accept the independently calculated rate and pay the Real Living Wage. We also encourage all businesses in Scotland to become Living Wage employers.
2400 businesses in Scotland are already Living Wage Employers, which has resulted in wage rises for over 52,000 of the poorest paid people across Scotland. Yes, becoming accredited might mean paying your lowest-paid staff a little more, but paying the Real Living Wage means your employees are earning enough to get by. We think that is not only fair, but it is our moral responsibility.
Furthermore, even if your staff are paid more than the Real Living Wage, you should still become accredited and display the Real Living Wage logo. It is essential to encourage all employers, and by promoting your status, you will send a strong message to those who have yet to meet the requirements.
Living Wage Week runs from the 15th to 19th November, so what better time to join the growing movement of businesses across Scotland that accept their responsibility to pay a fair wage to all staff?
The process for becoming accredited is straightforward; if you’d like to find out more, go to the Scotting Living Wage website and submit your initial application.